
Basics of Crafting Newsworthy Content

Generating newsworthy content is imperative for any brand to get noticed and secure a share of voice.  However, grabbing attention, especially the right kind, is easier said than done. Here are some basics that will keep your content newsworthy and attractive:

Understanding (we mean really understanding) your target audience

Want to send the right messages to the right audiences? First understand who your intended audience is and what they care about. Your content should address their interests and concerns, and provide them with valuable information or entertainment. Pique your audience’s interest by resonating with their POVs and perspectives. 

Clear communication goals

What is your primary objective with this piece of news? What action, thought or emotion are you aiming to evoke with your audience (as defined in point above) Boosting brand awareness, driving click-throughs, creating conversation, increasing foot traffic and generating specific sentiments are only some examples of a long list of potential communication goals. Resist the urge to have many goals out of one piece of content. Clearly defined and focused goals allows for fresh content ideas to flow, busting the myth that press releases are the only go-to option for a PR plan.

Dig deep into data

Support your content with credible data. This not only builds trust with the media and audiences, it also positions you as a thought leader and an expert in the field. Additionally, the media LOVES numbers, so having data points will make your content more attractive. Just make sure to triple check your sources for legitimacy, relevancy, and accuracy.

Identifying a hook

A piece of content should always stand out from the crowd. Think about how you can offer a unique perspective or approach to a topic that hasn't been explored before. How does your news topic relate to current trending issues and hot topics? Unique product features or clear calls to action that appeals to your audience will go a long way in giving you an edge over your competitors, stand out to media outlets, and sell your story.

Designing visuals

TLDR. A picture can speak a thousand words; sometimes more than a headline. Incorporating thumb-stopping visuals often makes content more engaging and shareable. Consider using photos, videos, infographics, or other visual elements to help illustrate your points and capture your audience's attention.

Whether engaging with media outlets yourself, or working with PR professionals (hi, have you met Mad Hat Asia? ;)) on your next piece of media content, keep these key points in mind, to boost newsworthiness, and grab the elusive attention of the media and your audiences.